Strength training is so much more than a way to build your muscles.
From making you look younger, leaner and stronger to improving your mood and helping you live longer - strength training is the best anti aging workout.
Better than cardio. Better than yoga.
Whether you want to use weight machines, free weights, resistance bands or your own body weight, we break down the benefits (including great looking skin) and the safest way to do it.
Whatever age you start, strength training will keep you looking (and feeling) younger, longer. Making you physically stronger and putting your body in better shape.
Effectively turning back your biological clock.
All forms of exercise (make you look better and improve your quality of life – but strength training goes further.
With a review of 16 different studies showing a link between resistance training and increased energy, better body mechanics, a flatter stomach and higher self-esteem - as well as looking leaner and stronger.
And making your skin look amazing!
So what counts as strength training?
Strength training is any movement that uses your own body weight, or weighted equipment, to build strength.
So effectively weight training, weight-lifting, resistance bands or muscular training all count as strength training.
Depending on the type of strength training you choose to reach your goals, you can use:
- Body Weight: Pushups, squats, pullups, lunges and planks all use your own body weight, and the force of gravity
- Free Weights: Kettlebell, dumbbells, barbells, medicine ball
- Resistance Bands: These bands can provide different levels of resistance when stretched
- Weight Machines: with adjustable weights or hydraulics attached to provide resistance
The exercises involve either:
Isometric resistance – contracting the muscle as you push against a non-moving object – like a tricep dip, or a pushup.
Or Isotonic training – where the muscle contracts through a range of motion, like a dumbbell bicep curl.
Whichever type you’re performing, the goal is always to put your muscles under tension. This stimulates muscle growth and your muscles become stronger.
But the benefits don’t just stop there.
There’s lots of other anti aging advantages of strength training…
Why is Strength Training So Good For You? Here's 10 reasons
Building stronger muscles isn’t the only benefit of strength training… but it’s a good place to start!
01 | To Build Muscle Mass and Strength
It’s an obvious benefit, but building strong muscles has more advantages than just looking ripped.
Stronger muscles help improve athletic performance – increasing your speed, power and endurance.
And strong muscles and good muscle control makes performing everyday tasks much easier too. Things like moving heavy boxes, carrying the groceries or running around after your kids are all easier to do with stronger muscles.
02 | Strength Training Gives You More Energy
Testosterone and DHEA, the hormones that affect strength and energy levels, decrease as you age.
But strength training can help increase these levels.
Studies have shown that it significantly increases the level of free testosterone and DHEA – giving you more energy and improving neuromuscular performance.
We've got more on improving your stamina here - "7 Science-Backed Ways To Reclaim Your Vigor".
03 | Increases Your Metabolic Rate So You Burn More Calories
All exercise helps boost your metabolic rate (the rate your resting body burns calories throughout the day) – but strength training is proven to boost it most efficiently.
It does this in two ways:
Firstly, building muscle increases your metabolic rate anyway. Muscles are more metabolically efficient than fat, so If you have more muscle mass, you’ll burn more calories, even in your sleep.
Secondly, research shows that your metabolic rate is increased up to 72 hours after you finish your strength-training exercise. So you’re still burning additional calories even days after your workout.
04 | You’ll Look Leaner
Building more muscle - and burning fat more efficiently - will highlight your muscle definition. Giving you a stronger, leaner appearance!
05 | Your Skin Will Look Amazing
All exercise releases endorphins that increase circulation, making your skin look great!
This increased blood flow from working out gives you a healthy glow, delivering essential nutrients and oxygen to your skin.
This promotes new skin cells and encourages collagen production - keeping your skin looking younger.
A good workout also lowers cortisol and sugar levels in the blood that cause wrinkles and sagging skin.
But there’s evidence now that strength training exercise can keep your skin looking younger because of its improvement on the function of mitochondria.
Mitochondria help to produce the collagen, elastin and natural hyaluronic acid that keeps skin smooth, firm and hydrated.
And unfortunately, mitochondria don’t work so well as we age.
However, recent studies have found improved function of mitochondria in the brain and muscle tissue of people who did strength and weight-bearing exercises, like push ups and squats, or lifted weights.
Essentially strength training helps your skin develop younger-acting mitochondria - and your skin looking younger - in a way that cardio exercise doesn’t.
06 | Strength Training Gives You A Flatter Stomach
The most effective way to lose belly fat and reveal a flat stomach, is to hit the weights.
Not only does strength training fire up your metabolism and reduce your body fat percentage but adding resistance exercise is proven to reduce abdominal fat.
Research carried out at Harvard showed that combining weight training with aerobic activity was the optimal route to reducing your waistline.
A 12-year study of 10,500 healthy men found that adding just 20 minutes of weight training meant that they gained less age-related belly fat than those who stuck to a cardio-only regime.
And since visceral fat stored around the abdomen is linked to an increased risk of chronic diseases - including heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer – reducing it is going to be better for your health too.
- Lose Belly Fat FAST: The Smarter Way To a Flatter Stomach
- 20-Minute Workout for Defined Abs at Every Age
07 | Better Body Mechanics
Strength training improves all your body mechanics – from improving balance and coordination to increasing flexibility and helping you stand taller.
Balance, posture and flexibility are dependent on the strength of the muscles that support your body, so having stronger muscles:
- Increases balance
- Improves your posture
- Reduces chances of falling
- Lowers risk of injury
- Increases flexibility
Strength training helps improve the strength, range of motion and mobility of your muscles, ligaments, and tendons - reinforcing joints like your knees, hips, and ankles to protect you from injury.
In particular, a stronger core, hamstrings, and glutes takes the load off of your lower back, decreasing your risk of lower-back injuries.
And the increases in range of motion (ROM) of your joints, gives you greater flexibility. With strength training equally effective as stretching in terms of increasing ROM.
08 | Improves Your Heart Health
All types of resistance training improve cardiovascular health and lower the risk factors that can lead to heart disease.
And strength training combined with aerobic exercise is more effective than just aerobic exercise alone.
Regular weight training can lower your blood pressure, reduce total and LDL (bad) cholesterol, and improve blood circulation by strengthening the heart and blood vessels.
09 | Leads To Better Overall Health
Resistance training has a positive effect on a multitude of age-related health issues.
And no matter what age you start, you can reap the benefits.
Strength training lowers your risk of diabetes
The more muscle you have the better your blood sugar management. Strength training increases insulin sensitivity and reduces blood sugar levels by removing glucose from the blood and sending it to muscle cells.
Which means that strength training may lower your risk of developing diabetes and can help those with the condition manage it better too.
And gives you stronger bones
Weighted exercises put temporary stress on your bones. This sends a message to bone-building cells to take action and rebuild bones stronger.
And having strong bones reduces your risk of fractures, especially as you age.
Improves brain health
Strength training protects against age-related cognitive decline and improves your brain health.
It has many neuro-protective effects - improving blood flow, reducing inflammation as well as increasing brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), which is linked to memory and learning.
Multiple studies have pointed to significant improvements in cognitive function after strength training – with improvements in processing speed, memory, and executive function.
10 | Builds Your Self Esteem
It can give a huge boost to your self-confidence.
Regular strength training helps you appreciate your body’s strength. It increases your belief that you’re able to succeed.
While a systematic review showed a significant link between strength training and positive body image. With strength training increasing satisfaction with your body and your appearance – as well as reducing social anxiety (the perception of judgment from others).
Multiple studies have shown that strength training reduces anxiety, while improving your mood.
At the same time it encourages the release of endorphins which play a key role in promoting a positive mood.
And there’s evidence that strength training may help you sleep better too.
And a good night’s sleep always leads to a better day.
How to get the most out of your strength routine
For the best results, start slowly and focus on good form.
As you get more practised, you can add more weight or increase the number of reps or sets you do.
Master the basic movements first. Make sure you’re performing the movements effectively and safely to prevent injury.
A good trick is to workout in front of a full-length mirror (or reflective window) so that you can make sure your form and posture is correct.
Start with exercises that use your body weight for resistance.
That way you can focus on your balance and core stability, and your form - rather than an external weight. This means there’s less chance of injury.
So start with bodyweight squats, single-leg squats, lunges, pushups, planks and tricep dips.
Once you’ve mastered the basic movement patterns, try adding external resistance – free weights, weight machines and resistance bands.
For the best muscular fitness select a weight that allows you to perform 8–15 reps for 1–3 sets while maintaining proper form.
You’ll want to experiment a bit to find the correct weight – and that may change slightly from session to session. Just listen to your body.
If you’re struggling to complete 8 reps with perfect form it means the weight is too heavy, and your form will suffer, as well as making you vulnerable to injury.
But if you can easily lift for 15 or more reps the weight is too light and won’t be as effective.
To build strong muscles, you need to challenge them. So practice ‘progressive overload’ – where you gradually increase the weight, number of reps or sets as you become stronger.
You’re bound to feel a little muscle soreness for a day or two after a strength-training workout — that’s entirely normal - but you shouldn’t be in pain!
Gaining strength and muscle mass are not linked to your level of muscle soreness.
Instead, aim to finish a set when you feel you physically couldn’t complete any additional reps. This will sufficiently challenge your muscle, without the risk of injury.
Any professional athlete or coach will tell you that rest days are what builds your muscle strength, allowing time for your muscles to heal and grow.
So aim for 2-3 sessions a week – with rest days in between.
The Takeaway
Strength training is about way more than just building muscle.
Whether you use:
- weight machines
- free weights
- resistance bands
- or your own body weight
A strength training routine will leave you looking younger, leaner and stronger.
As well as helping you live longer.
Why is strength training so good for you?
Here’s 10 reasons to prioritize strength training:
- To Build Muscle Mass and Strength
- Strength Training Gives You More Energy
- Increases Your Metabolic Rate so You Burn More Calories
- You’ll Look Leaner
- Your Skin Will Look Amazing
- It Gives You a Flatter Stomach
- Better Body Mechanics
- Improves your Heart Health
- Leads to Better Health Overall
- Builds Your Self Esteem
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All you need to stay looking handsome.